Cyber Safety for Kids


The internet has become an integral part of life. It is a powerful resource, enabling people of all ages to learn and communicate in a myriad of new ways. For children, growing up in a world where theInternet has always been available. But there are risks. Knowing how to use the internet safely is essential to having a positive online experience. For parents and their children, it is important to know how to apply these skills at home, public places and internet cafés.

‘Cyber Safe’ helps parents to understand their role and responsibility in guiding their kids towards safer cyber world. Protect them from the evil side of the online world. We conduct seminars and awareness programs for parents to enlighten them about how to avoid cyber crimes at home and if their kids have become a victim of one then how to get them out of it.


Schools are the next place where kids come to know about internet from their peers and friends. They start exploring the new horizons of internet with curiosity without the knowledge of pros and cons of internet usage. They are the easiest target for cyber crimes since they are not well aware of the crimes happening over internetits the responsibility of teachers ,school authorities and parents to guide them and keep a check on their online activities. Cybersafe helps to teach the students about the crimes and how to use internet wisely. And the authorities are trained how to check the contents used by students in school.


Today, young people are among the biggest user groups of online and mobile technologies in world. Internet and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) open a world of possibilities for children, expanding their horizons and providing opportunities to learn, create identities and participate in society. In parallel, however, this population can also be exposed to risks, such as giving out their private details, cyber bullying or grooming for sexual abuse. Cyber safe teaches students in colleges how to protect themselves from online thefts and frauds and falling into prey. How to deal with the crimes and hacking.


Nowadays there are no government body which does not depend on internet. Hence it has become very important to safeguard the private and confidential data available with the bodies hence it is Important to prevent the systems from getting infected and hacked. Cyber safe spreads awareness regarding safety of documents and websites and how to deal with them. It also spreads awareness to the employees how to use internet wisely and safe themselves from being a victim.

Company / Organization / Community

Today when the entire world is living a digital life with the advancements of cyber, cellular & mobile technology, everyone needs skills & knowledge to manage & control these cyber factors. In order to enjoy all these technologies & its various facilities like, ‘online banking transactions, owning digital identities, mutual exchange of communications in real time, access to global information, knowledge & entertainment’, every user needs to protect their digital identities, important data & information from the growing menace of cyber criminals & hackers. And that is where they require skilled people & knowledgeable cyber experts.

Cybersafe skills the employees to protect data from the outer world and improve information security.


The internet is an incredible tool. It provides an opportunity to communicate, learn, play and be entertained by content from around the world. It's vibrant, incredibly varied and offers information on any topic at a click of the mouse. While the internet provides many positives there are also risks. Cyberbullying, inappropriate contact, identity theft, scams and exposure to adult content can make the internet a risky place for children. The risks exist for all children who are only starting to use a computer, to more experienced teens, and also adults. Every single person in the world is connected to internet. Hence it is important to aware people about the darker side of internet and how crimes can happen. 'Cybersafe' organizes awareness programs which are beneficial for the citizens while they are online.

Small & Medium Business

The Internet allows businesses of all sizes and from any location to reach new and larger markets and provides opportunities to work more efficiently by using computer-based tools. Whether a business is thinking of adopting cloud computing or just using email and maintaining a website, cybersecurity should be a part of the plan. Theft of digital information has become the most commonly reported fraud, surpassing physical theft. Every business that uses the Internet is responsible for creating a culture of security that will enhance business and consumer confidence.