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Cyber Safe Benefits

A well-recognized & registered 'Not-For-Profit' (NGO) organization with single mission of spreading nationwide awareness programs on new age technological crimes & frauds and safeguard people. With our single motto, ‘Ensuring Secure & Safe netizens of Cyber Space of India’, we are facilitating and organizing multiple nationwide awareness programs, workshops, awareness trainings in association with the supporting bodies like from the Govt. of India, State Police Organizations, International Cyber Security Protection Alliance (ICSPA), National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), Computer Society of India, National Security Database (NSD) & Internet Safety Society (ISS).

CSIA’s mission is also to enhance the online safety and security of business communities, by helping to deliver resources and expertise from the private sector to support both domestic and international law enforcement agencies and their governments, in their task of reducing harm from cyber & high-tech crimes.

Government Partners

We will guide them. how to safeguard their files and data from loss. How the confidential files can be hacked and used by the hackers. We will train them how to keep the official files safe and corrupt free.

Corporate Partners

The Corporate partners when associated with us will be aware of cyber crimes, cyber hacking, identification theft, personal data theft. And we will guide them how to protect their identity and data from d darker side of internet

Schools / Institutions / Academia

The school and institutes will get the knowledge of cyber crimes and bullying. Safety measures when using the internet and how things can go against you. This will make the kids parents and teachers a safe and cautious surfers.